Judo Throws v BJJ

BJJ takedowns and Judo might share the same origin, but there are several differences. There are limited takedowns in BJJ. where there is numerous takedowns in judo with rules in Judo for the safety of its competitors.


You may have seen many BJJ fighters using Judo throws. These throws are adopted from judo so that they can maximize their advantage in BJJ. BJJ martial artists have to use Judo so that they can gain a competitive edge over their competitors.


You might be asking:

Which is better? Is it even logical to compare?

The answer is that there is no comparison since both are classified as different sports. Take the example of an MMA fighter who incorporates boxing into his routine. While he may not train like a traditional boxer and use styles like Philly shell or pee ka bo, he will incorporate the basics of defence and attack. A BJJ practitioner who wants to improve his standing game will incorporate Judo techniques. So both are beneficial to each other.


It is common to see BJJ practitioners supplement their grappling training with Judo, where fights start on your feet and give you an excellent base to learn the art of passing a guard. There are four main components in a Judo throw;


1. Grip,

2. Getting your opponent off balance,

3. Getting in position for the throw,

4. Coordinate the body to throw efficiently.


In randori, the grip plays a vital role. The opponent who established a strong grip can set the direction of the match in his favour. Effective throws require a strong grip and Kuzushi (Breaking Balance) this is an area that judokas learn from the very beginning of their training. It is most fundamental Judo. 


To throw your opponent, you need minimal effort and maximum efficiency. This begins by off-balancing your opponent. You can off-balance your opponent in 8 different directions. However, you also require strength and skill when applying these techniques.


Once your opponent is off-balance, it is time to get into position and execute the throw. This is done in a fluid and coordinated movement. It requires speed and agility to keep your opponent off-balance while executing the throw.
